
Use your website to advertise!

September 6, 2024

Advertising today is expensive across all platforms! Whether it’s print, media, radio, or television, these are all costly ways to showcase or get your business name out there. You will pay hundreds if you’re lucky, and more likely thousands, of dollars for a few brief appearances. Make a better investment for your business and have […]

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Does your website need a new fresh look?

August 9, 2024

School is right around the corner, and most of us think of fresh school supplies, a new backpack, and sharpened pencils. You wouldn’t send your child back to school with used pencils, broken pens, a half of an eraser, dried glue or a partially ripped school bag from last year.   So, then why send […]

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Do you have a boring website?

August 2, 2024

What words come to mind when you think of your website? If you think bleak or boring, then it is time to consider a website redesign. Redesigning your website can revive your online business appearance. Having a modern website gives your customers confidence knowing that you are a reputable business. Your website is the one […]

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Go for the Gold

July 26, 2024

Don’t just settle for Bronze or Silver when it comes to your website, go for the Gold! When you partner with WebLeaps for your website design services, you are hiring a proven local company to have in your corner. Good luck to all of the athletes this year!

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How important are WordPress Updates?

July 1, 2024

Do you know that if you have a WordPress website that it needs to be updated regularly? It may seem pretty obvious, but we have encountered many websites that were built and then never maintained. In the same way that your phone has software updates and app updates, including important security updates, your WordPress website […]

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